Untamed Spiritile
"A life lived wild is a life well lived."Carrie Wild
Regal and watchful, the red fox turns its eye directly towards the world and aims to adapt to any environment, being tamed by none. It exists on every continent but one. The fox survives in the rural grasses and the urban jungle, using its cunning instincts to sustain its pups all while keeping the heart of the wild in their paws. We can learn so much from a creature that manages to adapt to a changing world while remaining fundamentally untamed.
Suspended above the earth, partway through the ascent, a dangerous question enters the mind: Am I prepared to make the summit? Despite the readying before the climb, doubts about our capacity to reach the top creep in. When we imagine the person at the top of the mountain, what we see is the summit and accomplishment. What we often miss is the mental struggle of solitude and doubt during the climb. Being so close to the mountain the climber is blind to what lay above, but sees so much behind and below to tempt turning back. To succeed we must have faith and take the next visible steps.
Spiritiles are made by firing glass powders on copper until they become molten and fuse to the copper surface. Each is 8.5'' x 5.5'' x 2'', ready to hang. Along with the image on the front, an accompanying quote appears along the side with attribution on the top edge. Each Spiritile is carefully handmade using a series of intricate stencil techniques.