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Tiny Vase Blue to Green Square

Cut, colored and sandblasted - the work of Mary Melinda Wellsandt stands out for it's visual appeal and haunting themes. Most imagery is taken from the natural world, including this Big Tiny Vase from her "Sunset" series. Pieces in this series measure between 4 to 5" tall. Each piece is handmade in a multi-step process. Some variation should be expected."Through an intricate and complicated process I carve the image deeply into the glass. I then diligently paint them by hand in many layers to create the depth and variation of color you experience". "I have been making "pretty things" since I was about 3 years old, painting the gravel from our driveway with watercolors and peddling it around the block to our neighbors. In the years that have passed my work has become refined and sophisticated, yet I have retained my 3-year-old sense of joy and delight in the creation of my art. My current work uses functional glass as a surface to explore. The process includes the use of a sandblaster to carve into the glass, permanent paints, enamels, and other media to render my original photography, drawings, and paintings in a unique and "high touch" way. I am filled with joy and gratitude that I get to call this my job, and I hope you enjoy using my art as much as I enjoy making it!" - Mary Melinda Wellsandt